Year 9 Developing independence

Learners continue to demonstrate high levels of self-control and collaboration within their respective school environment and Community. Students continue to listen carefully and develop independence within their new learning pathway that further enables them to make informed decisions regarding GCSE option choices.
During Year 9, students have the opportunity to continue with their Key Stage 3 curriculum, although they can start to select the Learning Pathways that they are interested in. These help to guide them when choosing their GCSE subjects at the end of Year 9.
They have to take the following subjects as part of the Core Curriculum
They can also choose to follow three foundation subjects which are taught for two periods a week. At least one of these must be an Art subject.
Art Foundation Subjects
Foundation Subjects
A brief overview of foundation subjects is given below:
Arts Foundation subjects
Creative Arts
Creative Arts encompasses areas of study from Fine Art, Ceramics and Textiles. The course aims to allow students to extend their knowledge and interest of the creative world.
Digital Arts
Digital Arts encompasses areas of study from Graphics, Photography and Media and aims to allow students to extend their knowledge and understanding of the creative and digital worlds. Students will explore themes around social, cultural and political issues, exploring the key concepts around media language, audience, representation and industry.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts encompasses the study of both Dance and Drama. The course aims to broaden and develop students' subject knowledge and skills in both subjects while engaging in a variety of stimuli and themes from social, cultural and political contexts.
Music and Music Technology
In this course, students will develop performance skills on either an instrument or voice, alongside developing musical technology skills through using a Digital Audio Workshop. Composition and improvisation skills will also be practised to extend musical ideas.
Foundation subjects
Social Care
In Social Care, students will develop knowledge and understanding of health, social care and early year concepts. At the end of the course, students will work in a team to organise and host a local community event such as a coffee morning.
Social Sciences 
Social Sciences seeks to develop a sense of belonging alongside a sense of your social environment. It also allows students to gain a better appreciation and understanding in the way our society is shaped by ethics, religion, philosophy, law, history and the evolution of human society.
Computer Science
Computer Science aims to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of how technology works, for both business and personal use. Topics will be visited with a significant emphasis on learning the practical skills fundamental to Computer Science. There will be a focus on programming in Computer Science, time will be spent practising techniques and completing project based work.
Students will learn enterprising skills that will be vital for future life and career choices, including, presentation, communication, personal development and teamwork. They are expected to work individually and in small groups on “Apprentice” style and personal development challenges. Through this, students will build a portfolio of work to present to a panel of judges at the end of the course.
This course provides an opportunity for students to progress from their starting points in the following areas of Learning Focus: skills and technique, strategy and tactics through handball and athletics. It then becomes a stepping stone into both GCSE PE/BTEC L2 Sport.
Trips and Visits
There are a variety of trips available to students in Year 9 this year including:
- Etaples and Boulogne sur Mer - France
- French Trip to Normandy
- Paris
- MEP Trip to China
- STEM Trip to Geneva
- Hellenthal, Germany
- New York
Students are taught the following topics in Terms 1-3 in Year 9. Our Form Tutors are specially trained to deal with some of these sensitive issues.
Term 1:
- Self-Esteem and positive relationships
- Sexual Consent and the Law
- Online Grooming
- County Lines - What is it and who is at risk?
Term 2:
- What is a Drug? and different types of addictions
- Alcohol and alcohol related emergencies
- Drugs Classifications, supply and possession
- First Aid - The basics
- First Aid - CPR
Term 3:
- Positive Body Image
- Media and Airbrushing
- Mental Health including eating disorders
- Managing mental health including self harm
- Media influence on body image
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