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Reporting and Assessment

Reporting and Assessment 2022-2023

Assessment can be seen as the bridge between teaching and learning.  Dylan Wiliam describes this well:

“It is only through assessment that we can find out whether what has happened in the classroom has produced the learning we intended.”

Our approach to Assessment has two layers:

  •  Formative – on-going, ungraded and focused on smaller chunks of the curriculum
  •  Summative – at set points in the year. Knowledge included will build cumulatively
    through the year

Marking and Feedback

Departments develop their own policy using a tight but loose approach. Tight in that they must adhere to the principles but loose in that they tailor assessment, marking and feedback to their subject domain. 

1. Feedback should be used to identify the ‘learning gaps’ of individual students. 

2. Feedback should be specific and clearly focused on learning goals – with a view to moving on the learning of individual students. 

3. It should also focus on what students achieve and take pride in – so they continue to do so. 

4. Students must be able to, and expected to, respond to the feedback, so they can work towards closing the learning gap. 

5. Feedback can take a variety of forms – teacher to student; student to teacher; student to student; written and verbal; focused on classwork, homework and assessments. All are equally valid. 

6. Different forms of feedback will be more appropriate for different subjects. Subject areas will agree and decide on how feedback is consistently used across the subject. 

7. Feedback is not an add on. It is an ongoing and essential part of excellent pedagogy, used to deepen learning and improve teaching. 

8. Feedback should be challenging – and used to encourage students to aspire to excellence. 

9. Feedback should be high impact but manageable and sustainable and used to inform planning and teaching 

10. Students should receive a minimum of two bits of formal teacher feedback per term. 


Reports are sent to parents/carers (week beginning) via the Edulink App

Year Term 1  Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
7     10th Feb   19th May  
8   25th Nov     28th April 7th July
9   9th Dec     28th April 7th July
10 14th Oct   10th Feb     14th July
11   2nd Dec   17th Mar    
12    9th Dec   10th Mar   16th June
13 14th Oct   10th Feb      


In addition to their reports, all students will receive a grade for one of the 3 areas below:

Attitude to Learning Exemplary         

I have an outstanding attitude to learning, work consistently hard, challenge myself and respond well to feedback

  Good  I have a good attitude to learning, work hard and respond well to feedback
  Inconsistent            My attitude to learning requires some improvement as I sometimes get distracted and so cannot focus on my work
  Concerning  My attitude to learning is concerning as I am often off task and distract others
Homewood Habits                         Exemplary                                I take pride in my work and challenge myself in lessons. I arrive on time, listen carefully to instructions and I am fully equipped for lessons
  Good My work is presented neatly most of the time. I arrive on time to the vast majority of my lessons and bring most of my equipment to school with me
  Inconsistent There is a lack of pride in some of my work as I do not bring the correct equipment to school. Some of my work suffers as I do not listen to instructions
  Concerning My work is presented poorly with little care and attention to detail due to a lack of basic equipment. My listening skills need to improve so that I can progress with my work
Home Learning Exemplary All of my homework is handed in on time and completed to a high standard
  Good Most of my homework is handed in on time and completed to a good standard
  Inconsistent Some of my homework is handed in late and completed to an adequate standard
  Concerning Most of my homework is handed in late and completed to a poor standard

Year 7, 8 and 9 Academic Reports

Year 7, 8 and 9 Academic Reports contain the following information:

Minimum Target Grade

Based on Key Stage 2 attainment, this is the target that your child is capable of achieving. In Years 7-9, students have one of the 3 target grades:

  • Developing (students are predicted to receive Grade 3+)

  • Securing (students are predicted to receive Grade 5+)

  • Advancing (students are predicted to receive Grade 7+)

Average Unit Grade

This is the average attainment that your child is currently achieving in each of their subjects. These will be one of the following: 

  • Emerging

  • Developing

  • Securing

  • Advancing

  • Mastering

Please note, this will be blank if your child was absent from their assessments and there will also be only 2 Learning Characteristics for PE.

If your child is working at their expected rate, their Average Unit Grade will be the same as their Minimum Target Grade. The following colour coding is used to show progress:

Target grades


Year 10 and 11 Reports

Year 10 and 11 Academic Reports

Minimum Target Grade

Based on Key Stage 2 attainment, this is the target that your child is capable of achieving at the end of Year 11

Teacher Predicted Grade

This is the current grade prediction that a student is likely to achieve based on their current levels of effort and attainment

Qualification Marks Awarded Explanation




Grade 4 is a standard pass / Grade 5 is a good pass 



P1 / M1 / D1

P / P2

M / M2

D / D2

D* / D2*

Students will obtain either a:

Level 1 pass. This will show as a P1 (Level 1 Pass), M1 (Level 1 Merit), D1 (Level 1 Distinction) or a 

Level 2 pass. This will show as P or P2 (Level 2 Pass), M or M2 (Level 2 Merit) D or D2 (Level 2 Distinction) and D* or D2* (Level 2 Distinction)

Level 1 - Equivalent to Foundation level GCSE (grades 1-3)

Level 2 - GCSE equivalent (grades 4+)


Year 12 and 13 Reports

Year 12 and 13 Academic Reports

Minimum Target Grade

This is the target grade we expect your child to obtain in each subject. This will either be 

  • GCSE grade of 1-9

  • BTEC Pass, Merit or Distinction

  • A-Level grade E-A*

Teacher Predicted Grade

This is the final grade your child’s teacher expects them to obtain at the end of Year 13, if they continue their current rate of progress.