
Homework helps students by preparing for, deepening or consolidating classroom learning.  It also provides an opportunity for students to take responsibility for their own learning, with the regular completion of homework contributing to the development of sound study habits.  It is a valuable means of fostering understanding and communication between the home and the school and it provides the opportunity for parents/carers to interact positively with their children.

Allocation guidelines for the time students should spend doing their homework each day are as follows:


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10/11

Year 12/13

Total per day 45 minutes 60 minutes 75 minutes 90 minutes 150 minutes
Total per week 4 to 5 hours 6 to 7 hours 7 to 8 hours 9 to 10 hours 15 hours


The above times will vary slightly with different subjects and the nature of the work set and are intended as guidelines to help with the planning of work at home.  Homework will normally be set a week in advance of the deadline.  However, where appropriate to the nature of work set, this could be longer or shorter.  In any case, a minimum deadline of 48 hours will be set and, in such cases, students will be expected to spend an amount of time on their work appropriate to the deadline set.