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Staff List
Homewood School & Sixth Form Centre
Principal & Tenterden Schools Trust Interim CEO
Mr J Single BA Hons (Surrey) PGCE, NPQH, PQSI
PA to the Principal and CEO and Operations Manager
Mrs S Williams
Vice Principal Students
Mrs S King BA Hons with QTS, NPQH
Vice Principal Raising Standards Lead
Miss H Scarisbrick BSc Hons (Bangor) PGCE
Endeavour Community - PE, PSHE and Science
Head of Endeavour Community and Director of Data and Tracking
Miss M Conlin MA BSc Hons (OU) PGCE
Assistant Head of Community
Miss M Croucher BA Hons (CCCU)
Community Co-ordinator
Mrs S Sivyer
Family Liaison Officer
Mrs M Spackman
Principal Teacher of Physical Education
Ms N Bulless BA Hons (Kent) PGCE
Principal Teacher P.S.H.R.E. and Citizenship
Miss K Beament BSc Hons (Hertfordshire) QTS
Mr A Clark BSc Hons (Cardiff) PGCE
Miss T Jarvis BA Hons (Chichester) PGCE
Assistant Principal Teacher of Student Development
Miss S Kennett (Brighton) PGCE
Mr A Nuttney BSc Hons (Brighton) PGCE
BTEC Co-ordinator Physical Education
Mr J Whennell BSc Hons (Canterbury) QTS
Principal Teacher of Science
Mr C Wheeler BSc Hons (Roehampton) PGCE
Ms R Coggins BSc Hons (Greenwich) GTP
Mrs G Easom BSc Hons (CCCU) GTP
Co-ordinator KS4 Science
Mrs M Hepburn BSc Hons (Manchester) QTS
Assistant Principal Teacher Science
Mr G Hunter BSc Hons (London) QTS
Mr J Jackson BSc Hons (Kingston Polytechnic)
Mrs I Marsh BSc Hons (Moscow) PGCE
Co-ordinator KS3 Science
Mr A McCulloch LLB (Lancashire) PGCE
Mrs N Nye MA (Poland) QTS
Mr C Pritchard BA BEd QTS
Mr G Sahota BSc Hons (Kingston) QTS
Co-ordinator KS5 Science and Duke of Edinburgh Manager
Mr D Shepherd BSc Hons (Canterbury) PGCE
Co-ordinator Digital Learning
Mr D Wills BSc Hons (Brighton) QTS
Lead Science Technician
Miss R Christmas BA Hons (OU)
Science Technicians
Mrs M Bowley MSc (Edinburgh) BSc Hons (Nottingham)
Mrs P Rose
Fortitude Community - Geography, History and Social Sciences
Head of Fortitude Community and Director responsible for Trips, Visits and Rewards
Mrs C Gaygan MA BSc Hons (Greenwich) PGCE
Assistant Head of Community
Mrs F Osborne BA Hons (Kent)
College Co-ordinators
Mrs J Ramsden (Mon-Tue)
Mrs C Luke (Wed-Fri)
Family Liaison Officer
Mrs L McDonald
Lead Practitioner
Mr G Wilson BSc Hons (Dundee) PGCE
Principal Teacher of Geography
Mrs B Bennett BSc Hons (Portsmouth) PGCE
Co-ordinator KS4 Geography
Miss K Barnes BA Hons (Plymouth) PGCE
Miss E Gale BSc Hons (Portsmouth) PGCE
Mrs N Gower BSc Hons (Portsmouth) PGCE
Assistant Vice Principal Teaching and Learning
Mr A Lawson BSc Hons (Bristol) PGCE
Miss C Logan BA Hons (Brighton) QTS
Principal Teacher of History
Mr C Searby BA Hons (Oxford Brookes) PGCE
Mr D Adams BA Hons (CCCU) QTLS
Mr M Heinink BA Hons (York) MA PGCE
Mrs S Hills BA Hons (Kings College London) PGCE
KS4 Co-ordinator History
Miss A Lynch BA Hons (Birmingham) PGDE
KS3 Co-ordinator Social Sciences
Miss R Brodie BA Hons (Kent) PGCE
KS5 Co-ordinator Social Sciences
Mr G Letty BSc Hons (CCCU) MSc (Bangor) PGCE
Teacher of Ethical Religious Studies
Miss L Brickell BA Hons (Kent)
Pioneer Community - English and Performing Arts
Head of Pioneer and Assistant Vice Principal Staff Development
Mr P Hanson BA Hons (CCCUC) MA PGCE
Assistant Head of Community
Mrs J Downs
Community Co-ordinator
Mrs K Malaugh
Family Liaison Officer
Mrs S Crawford
Lead Practitioner
Mrs Bryan-Watson BA Hons (Nottingham) PGCE
Principal Teacher English
Mrs T Davison BA Hons (CCCU) PGCE
Miss D Carnall BA Hons (Liverpool) MA QTS
Miss D Chende BA (Romania) GTP
KS4 Co-ordinator English
Miss C Corcoran BA Hons (Galway)
Miss J Gardiner LLB (Essex) QTS
KS5 Co-ordinator English
Mrs H Headley BA Hons (Winchester) PGCE
Mrs L Lee BA Hons (Kent) PGCE
KS3 Co-ordinator English
Miss A O'Brien BA Hons (CCCU) QTS
Mrs G Ploszajski BA Hons (Durham) GTP
Mrs C Spence BA Hons (Middlesex) PGCE
Professional Mentor of ITT and ECTs
Mrs S Stevens BA Hons (CCCU) PGCE
Miss E Tumana BSc Hons (Portsmouth)
Miss S Wood BA Hons (Kent) PGCE
Head of Performing Arts
Mrs Y Robinson BA Hons (CCCUC) PGCE, MA, FCMI CMgr
Principal Teacher Dance
Miss H Sargeant BA Hons (Kingston) QTS
Miss E Harris BA Hons (Chichester) PGCE
Principal Teacher Drama
Ms A Francis BA Hons (Kent) GTP
Ms Pressland-Joy BA Hons (London Studio Centre)
Assistant Principal Teacher Music
Mrs S King BA Hons (Colchester) GTP
Mr D Porto Belmonte BA (Porte Alegre)
Theatre Front of House Host
Miss D Whittle MA (Kent) BA Hons (Bournemouth)
Theatre Technician
Mr J Kennett
Quest Community - Art and Design, ICT and Computing, Mathematics and Media and Film Studies
Head of Quest Community and Director of Raising Standards (Student Achievement - PP and most able)
Miss C Newman BSc Hons (Southampton) PGCE
Assistant Head of Community
Mrs S Taberer
Community Co-ordinator
Miss P Law
Family Liaison Officer
Mrs K Fensome
Lead Practitioner and Teacher of Mathematics
Mr C Priest LLB Hons QTS
Studio Manager
Miss S Reeves BA Hons (Lancaster) PGCE
HLTA Studio
Mrs J Snelling (Fri)
Principal Teacher Art and Design
Mrs G Parry BA Hons (Cleveland) PGCE
Mrs R Antikatzidis BA Hons (Bath Spa) GTP
Duke of Edinburgh Manager
Ms L Bourne-Taylor BA Hons (West of England) PGCE
Mrs C Cox BA Hons (OU) PGCE (maternity)
Miss A Hancock BA Hons (Coventry) MA (Canterbury) PGCE
Assistant Principal Teacher Art and Design
Mr G Matthews Crow BA Hons (Middlesix) PGCE
KS3 Co-ordinator and Community Links in Art and Design
Miss E Seale BA Hons (London) PGCE
Miss P Williams BA Hons (CCCU) PGCE
Senior Technical Support
Mrs L Vitoria-Jackson BA Hons (Kent)
Principal Teacher ICT and Computing
Mr B Pritchard BA Hons (Lincoln) PGCE
Mr E Chivovo BSc Hons (Bindura) MA
Principal Teacher Mathematics
Mr D Lintern BA Hons (East Anglia) PGCE
Mr A Carmody BSc Hons (Liverpool) PGCE
Ms F Crawford BSc (OU) GTP
Principal Teacher Student Achievement (including most able GPS and DP)
Mrs R Farrell BSc Hons (Brighton) QTS
Miss J Hanson BSc Hons (OU) QTS
KS3 Co-ordinator Mathematics
Mrs D Lee BA Hons (Canterbury) GTP
Assistant Principal Teacher Mathematics
Mr J Mills BSc Hons (Manchester) PGCE
Mrs D Rixson BEng (Surrey) PGCE
Miss A Rowe BA Hons (Greenwich) QTS
Miss E Stern BSc Hons (Sussex)
Mrs J Walker BEng (Coventry) PGCE
KS5 Co-ordinator Mathematics
Mrs L Watts LLB (Luton) PGCE
Assistant Principal Teacher Media and Film Studies
Mrs C Hanson BA Hons (CCCUC) QTS
Miss B Hawkins BA Hons (Nottingham) PGCE
Voyager Community - Health and Social Care, Applied Learning, Business and Modern Foreign Languages
Head of Voyager Community and Director of Raising Standards - Year 11
Mr D Bailey BSc (Kent) PGCE
Assistant Head of Community
Mrs K Adams
Community Co-ordinator
Mrs J Lunn
Family Liaison Officer
Miss J Davies
Principal Teacher Business and QA BTEC
Mrs C Cox BSc (London) QTS
Assistant Principal Teacher Business
Mrs S Adams BA Hons (Kent) PGCE
Mr E Lloyd BA Hons (Edge Hill) PGCE
Mr J Lunn BSc Hons (OU) PGCE
Mrs M Roberts BSc Hons (Harper Adams) PGCE QTLS
Lead Practitioner and Principal Teacher Health and Social Care and Applied Learning
Mrs D Bailey BSc Hons (CCCU) PGCE
Teacher of Health and Social Care
Miss K Thompson BSc Hons (CCCU) GTP
Assistant Principal Teacher Teacher Health and Social Care
Ms C Price BA Hons (Southampton) PGCE
Assistant Principal Teacher Applied Learning
Mrs S English QTLS
Co-ordinator Catering
Mr J Hopkins DTTLS (Canterbury)
Vocational Teachers of Beauty
Mrs K Dowdell BA Hons (OU) Cert Ed (Greenwich) QTLS, CIBTAC, ICAA, IIHHT, MlfL
Vocational Teacher of Construction
Mr J Buells
Mr I Lehane
Principal Teacher Modern Foreign Languages
Mr P Croft-Cafferty BA Hons (Kent) PGCE
Assistant Principal Teacher KS4 and KS5 MFL
Miss A Boehm BA Hons (London) QTS
Ms Y Doughty BA Hoins (Bristol) PGCE
Mrs A Finch BA Hons (Middlesex) PGCE
Mrs S Mattheus BA Hons (Wales) PGCE
KS3 Co-ordinator MFL
Miss V Hussey BA Hons (Chester) PGCE
Co-ordinator Mandarin Expansion Programme
Ms Y Marris MA (Portsmouth) PGCE
Hanban Teacher
Miss Y Sun
Foreign Language Assistants
Miss L Foucaud
Miss A Hellstern
Sixth Form Centre
Assistant Vice Principal Sixth Form Centre
Mr G Mills BA Hons (Kent) PGCE
Administrative Assistants
Mrs S Oven (Mon-Thur)
Mrs E Rousseau (Weds-Fri)
Family Liaison Officers
Mrs S Faulkner BA Hons (Soton)
Mrs C Hussey
Principal Teacher Sixth Form
Mr B Harper BA Hons (Brighton) QTS
Assistant Principal Teacher Raising Standards in Sixth Form and Teacher of Health and Social Care
Miss K Dungate BA Hons (Kent) PGCE (maternity)
Careers Advisor
Mrs A Morrissey
Principal Teacher Raising Standards in Sixth Form, Teacher Researcher and Programme Leader of IBCP
Dr C Tyson BEd Hons (Exeter) PhD
Learning Support
Director of Learning Support
Miss L Stephen BA Hons (Sussex) MEd QTS (Durham) PGCiPP NASENCO (Chichester)
Mrs D Drury (Mon - Wed)
Mrs D Richards (Wed - Fri)
Hub Manager
Miss R Hodgkins BA (Northampton)
Assistant SENCO
Mrs M Law
Principal Teacher SEND
Mr M Nisbet BA Hons (Exeter) PGCE
Teachers of Key Skills
Mr S Crawford BEd Hons (Bangor) MA (Liverpool)
Ms S Earll BA Hons (CCCU) PGCE
Teacher Foundation Skills
Mrs C Shaw
EAL New Arrivals Tutor and Teacher Foundation Skills
Miss A Durling BSc Hons QTS
Exams Access Arrangements Assessor
Mrs D Bridger
HLTA Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
Miss N Carr
Miss J Cogger
HLTA Key Skills and Welfare Lead
Mrs I Gray
HLTA Key Skills Cognition and Learning and Physical and Sensory Lead
Mrs R Layzell
HLTA Communication and Interaction
Ms E Mason
Mrs A Parry
HLTA Cognition and Learning KS4 Science
Miss L Norton BA Hons (Kent)
HLTA Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Mrs P Radcliffe BSc Hons (London) LLM (Northumbria)
HLTA Literacy and Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Specialist
Mrs P Russell
HLTA Core Subjects
HLTA Cognition and Learning English
Miss A Woodleigh
Individual Needs Assistant
Mr I Brooks
LSAs Key Skills
Mrs R Croucher
Miss S Hawkins
LSAs Key and Foundation Skills
Mrs H Eggleshaw
Mrs T Higgins
LSAs KS3 Foundation Skills
Mrs L Brooks
Mrs N Mahoney
Miss L Downer
LSA KS4/5 Vocational Options
Miss K Bampton BA Hons (Norland)
Mrs E Abbott
LSAs Maths
Ms M Jondorf
Miss S Ruthven
LSA Personalised Provision
Mrs A Harris
Miss K Norris
Life Centre
Assistant Vice Principal Inclusion
Dr G O’Sullivan BSc Hons PhD, PGCE, C Geog NPQH
Life Centre Manager
Mr V Shell
Alternative Curriculum Coach
Mrs A Gordon
Mrs P Ripley
Inclusion Support Assistant
Miss A Barrett
Referral Centre Co-ordinator
Mrs D Elliott
Associate Staff
Chief Finance and Operations Officer
Mrs T Higgin
Finance Officers
Mrs S Harrild
Miss H Smith
Finance Administrator
Mrs J Shallcrass
Senior Estates Manager
Mrs S Hickman
Mr B Croucher
Mr J Curteis
Mr J Dunster
Mr J Farrell
Mr T Modha
Mr C Sargeant
Mr S Brown
Mr M Townsend
Farm Eduction Assistant
Miss J Pearce
Human Resources Director
Mrs N Callingham MCIPD
Senior Human Resources Officer
Mrs K Nicholls
Human Resources Officer
Mrs M Wanstall CIPD
Data Manager
Mrs K Douglas
Data Protection Manager
Mrs S Marsh
Cover Manager
Study Managers
Mrs M Marchetti
Mrs H Rummery
Examinations Manager
Mrs K Poole
Admissions Officer
Ms L Castle
Co-ordinator of Strategic Engagement
Mrs H Hayes
Mrs N Adams
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss V English
School Counsellor
Mrs L Janion BACP, BA Hons (Luton) Ad Dip
Wellbeing and Mental Health Lead
Mrs W Brown
Attendance Officer
Mr D Lee
Attendance Administrative Assistant
Miss A Manning
Attendance Administration Coordinator
Mrs K Taylor
Attendance Administrative Assistant
Mrs E Urquhart
Library Manager
Mrs K Trapp
Library Co-ordinator
Mrs J Grant
Trust IT Lead
Mr J Andrews
System Administrator
Mr M Vincer
Helpdesk Manager
Mr L Knight
ICT Technician
Mr F Charlesworth
Media Centre Manager
Mr N Crumley BA Hons (CCCU)
Media Centre and Communications Assistant
Miss C Douglas BA Hons (OU)
Facilities and Services Administrator
Mrs P Ruffle
School Receptionist
Mrs S Phillips