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Local Governing Body
The Homewood School Local Governing Body consists of nine governors; a mix of staff, parents and members of the community.
They follow the circle model of governance and this means all governors are aware of the educational, legal, financial and strategic directives relating to all schools within the Tenterden Schools Trust (TST) but more particularly those concerning Homewood School.
The Principal and Leadership Team of the school prepare an annual School Development Plan identifying ongoing and specific targets and from that the governors put in place a development plan of their own linking in to the key issues. This will indicate which areas should be more closely monitored by them for that year, along with the continued link governor visits that are undertaken for Safeguarding, Pupil Premium, SEND, Children in Care and Attendance. All the while the main and continued focus is on the best outcomes for the students at Homewood School.
They work with local governors from the other schools within the TST and will regularly join with not only them but the Directors of the Trust Board for training events to keep abreast of new regulations and directives from the DfE and Ofsted and to ensure best practice in governance.
As well as these formal duties all governors are welcomed into the school for celebration and exhibition events and report that they find these a most uplifting experience and they help them to understand why they became governors in the first place.
To contact the Chair of Governors, please email Mrs Karen Douglas – Clerk to the Governors.