STEM Trip - Geneva, Switzerland


Geneva trip day two

Destination of Trip - Geneva, Switzerland

Date of Trip - July 2024

Summary of Trip

Day 2

Today saw the students heading off to the United Nations for a tour, while there we learnt about the many varied roles the United Nations have in helping to mediate between countries and their ethos of working together with all 193 member states to help make the world a better place.  The students were in awe of some of the chambers, a particular favourite was the Human Rights chamber donated to the UN by Spain, whose ceiling represents the ocean floor. We were then able to walk the grounds and view some of the statues donated to the UN by various member states.

Students then spent the afternoon on lake Geneva with a cruise on the lake, a welcome change of pace and a chance to take in some of the beauty that Geneva has to offer.

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Day 3

Today our wonderful students visited CERN the home of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Students were given a tour which included seeing the first accelerator built at CERN the Synchrocyclotron up close, followed by a visit to the ATLAS building housing one of the detectors on the LHC.

Students were then given time to explore the many interactive exhibits in the science gateway visitors centre before completing a workshop hosted by a Physicist and Engineer currently working on ATLAS at CERN titled the ‘power of air’ in one of CERNs labs!  Finally students made their way to the auditorium for the Proton Express science show.

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Day 4

It was a truly unforgettable experience and a day filled with science and wonder!

Today the students on the STEM trip to Geneva had an extremely full itinerary!

We started the day by cutting through France by coach to the Emosson Dam which stands impressively above the Trient Valley, here students were able to take in the postcard worthy mountain landscapes and then ride the Minifunicular, panoramic train and Chatelard Funicular down the mountains.

We then made our way to the working Bex Salt Mines where students were able to ride the miners carts through the mines before being taken on a guided tour and learning about how salt is produced.

Our last stop of the day was the Swiss Plasma Centre where the students learnt about plasma and fusion reactions before being taken into see the TCV Tokamak up close while inbetween working experiments! 

Tomorrow we will be doing a bit of sightseeing around Geneva and possibly visiting the Botanical Gardens before making our way to the airport.

The students have behaved impeccably while on the trip and we couldn't be more proud.

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Geneva Last Day

Yesterday (Thursday) was the last day for the Geneva STEM trip.  Students did a bit of sightseeing around Geneva, visiting the science museum and then the Botanical Gardens before heading to the airport and making their way back home.

We have had an absolutely brilliant time in Geneva, had some awe inspiring experiences, made many unforgettable memories and learnt more than a thing or two along the way.

A massive thank you and well done to all the students who took part in this adventure with Homewood and who helped make this trip such a success, you are amazing!

Mrs Watts, Mrs Walker and Mr Wheeler

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