


Key Stage Three


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Term One: Autumn

The Roman Empire

The British Empire

Superpower relations and the Cold War

Term Two: Christmas

Medieval Kings

World War One

Protest through time (1250-present day). 

Term Three: Winter

The Tudors

World War Two

American Civil Rights

Term Four: Spring

English Civil War

Experiences of War

Anglo-Saxon and Norman England

Term Five: Summer

The Industrial Revolution



Key Stage Four

The Edexcel GCSE History course is taught over 3 years and covers the following 4 topics; Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, Medicine Through Time, Weimar and Nazi Germany and The American West.Students are taught 3 lessons per week. In Y11 students will have 3 exams that will test different historical skills. For Example:

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the periods studied.

AO2: Explain and analyse historical events and periods studied using second-order historical concepts.

AO3: Analyse, evaluate and use sources to make substantiated judgements, in the context of historical events studied.

AO4: Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations (including how and why interpretations may differ) in the context of historical events studied.


Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Term One: Autumn

Anglo-Saxons and the Norman Conquest

Medicine in the 18th and 19th Century/ Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement in the 18th and 19th Century

Nazi Control and Dictatorship/Life in Nazi Germany

Term Two: Christmas

William in Power

Medicine in the 20th and 21st Century/ Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement in the 20th and 21st Century

The Native Americans and Early Settlers

Term Three: Winter

Norman England

Western Front

Settling on the plains/Conflict on plains

Term Four: Spring

Medieval England, 1250 - 1500

The Weimar Republic


Term Five: Summer

The Medical Renaissance, 1500 - 1700

Rise of the NSDAP and Hitler


Key Stage Five

OCR A Level History is organsied into four different topics; England (1483-1603), Democracy and Dictatorship in Germany (1919-1963), Russia and its Rulers (1855-1964) and Civil Rights in America (Coursework). The course is designed to create independent learners, critical thinkers and decision-makers – all personal assets that can make them stand out as they progress to higher education and/or the workplace. 


Year 12: Teacher 1

Year 12: Teacher 2

Year 13: Teacher 1

Year 13; Teacher 2

Term One: Autumn

The Rise and Collapse of Weimar Germany

Introduction to the Tudors

The nature of Russian  government.

Civil Rights in America (Coursework Knowledge)

Term Two: Christmas

The Nazi Dictatorship

Henry VII

The impact of dictatorial regimes on the economy and society.

Civil Rights: Coursework knowledge and skills practise

Term Three: Winter

Impact of war and defeat and occupation by the Allies.

Henry VIII

The impact of war and revolution and the development of the Russian Empire and the USSR

Civil Rights: Coursework write up

Term Four: Spring

Post-War Germany


Edward VI

Russia and its empire, nationalities and satellite states


Term Five: Summer

Overview of Russian Leaders (1855-1964)

Elizabeth I