


Key Stage Five

A Level Physics is a content lead course which covers all the major areas in physics from motion to waves, as well as looking at some of the more up to date ideas such as cosmology and particle physics.  It aims to promote knowledge and understanding in both a theoretical and practical based setting.  The development of core practical skills is an integral part of this course.

Exam Board - OCR Physics A H556


Year 12

Year 13

Term One: Autumn

Module 2 - Foundations in Physics

2.1 - Physical Quantities and Units

2.2 - Making measurements and analysing data

2.3 - Nature of Quantities

Module 3 - Forces and Motion

3.1 - Motion

5.2 - Circular motion

5.3 - Oscillations

5.4 - Gravitational Fields

Term Two: Christmas

3.2 - Forces in Action

3.3 - Work, Energy and Power

3.4 - Materials

5.4 - Gravitational fields

5.5 Astrophysics and cosmology

Module 6 - Particles and Medical Physics

6.1 - Capacitors


Term Three: Winter

3.5 Momentum

Module 4 - Electrons, waves and photons

4.1 - Charge and Current

4.2 - Energy, power and resistance


6.2 - Electric Fields

6.3 - Electromagnetism

6.4 - Nuclear and Particle physics

Term Four: Spring

4.3 - Electrical circuits

4.4 - Waves

4.5 - Quantum Physics

6.4 - Nuclear and Particle physics

6.5 - Medical imaging

Term Five: Summer

Module 5 - Newtonian world and astriophysics

5.1 - Thermal physics