
Key Stage Three

Ethical Religious Studies - Students study this for one term

Term Year 7 Year 8

Term One: Autumn Term

World Religions



Term Two: Christmas Term

Religions in the World


Term Three: Winter Term



Term Four: Easter Term

Religious Holidays


Term Five: Spring Term

Religion and Anthropology


Term Six: Summer Term

Worship and Practices



Key Stage Four

We follow a two-year GCSE course in which covers two religions: Christianity and Islam as well as Thematic studies: Relationships and Family, Religion and Life, Religion, Crime and Punishment, and Religion, Peace and Conflict. This course is not solely based on religion and looks at controversial issues and current affairs. There are two exams at the end of Year 11; both papers are worth 50% of the overall mark. During the course, pupils have the opportunity to visit a place of worship and also a Crown Court. 

Exam board: AQA Option A


Year 10

Year 11

Term One: Autumn

Christian beliefs

Relationships and Families

Term Two: Christmas

Religion, Crime and Punishment

Islam Practices

Term Three: Winter

Islam beliefs

Religion, Peace and Conflict

Term Four: Spring

Religion and Life


Term Five: Summer

Christian Practices


Key Stage Five

he ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, once said that “the unexamined life is not worth living”.
A-Level RS is organised into two papers: Paper 1 – Philosophy of Religion and Ethics and Paper 2 – Study of Religion and Dialogues (Christianity). Each paper has two secontions within which cover a mixture of Philosophy, Ethics and Theology. Both papers are three hours long and are equal weighting in terms of overall grading. A-Level Religious Studies is a deep thinking and critical subject which asks questions such as those above and more to discover what part religion plays in our world. Through the study of philosophy and ethical theories, this course will try to answer questions that people ask in everyday life. It provides students with the tools they need to critically examine their own lives as well as the world in which they live. It develops a student’s logical capacity and the ability to argue a case coherently. Furthermore, it is one of the oldest and most respected academic disciplines and has been steadily increasing in popularity over the last decade.

Edexcel A-Level Religious Studies: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology


Year 12

Year 13

Term One: Autumn

Philosophy of Religion: Arguments for the existence of God

Philosophy of Religion: Arguments for and against the existence of God

Term Two: Christmas

Philosophy of Religion: Arguments against the existence of God


Ethics and Religion: Meta-ethics and Moral Responsibility

Term Three: Winter

Ethics and Religion: Normative Ethical Theories

Christianity and Dialogues: Gender, Sexuality, Science and Secularisation. 

Term Four: Spring

Ethics and Religion: Normative Ethical Theories


Term Five: Summer

Christianity: Identity, Sources of Authority, Death and Afterlife, Moral Principles