Exam Management

It is normal to feel a bit worried about exams especially if you feel under pressure. Exam stress can cause you to feel anxious or depressed and may affect your sleeping and eating habits. 

If you recognise any of these feelings, or are worried that exam pressure is taking over your life, you are not alone and there are things you can do. It is always good to talk to your friends and family if you are struggling. It is also good to talk to your teachers as they understand your methods of learning and will be able to offer you practical support. There are many more tips about coping with exam stress below.

Exam Support Guide

It's normal to have mixed emotions about your exams but we are going to explore why you may be feeling worried or stressed and provide some guidance to support you.


Exam Management


Summer GCSE Prep Checklist


Support for Exam Stress

Navigating exam season guide for parentsResults Day Tips for Parents and CarersKooth Exam Results Support Brochure

Beat Exam Stress Student Guide-Exam StressCoping with Examination pressureCoping with Exam - Pressure guide for students

Navigating Exam Stress - A Guide for Parents

Summer Webinars to support young people's wellbeing

https://www.annafreud.org/Supporting young people with anxiety before results day

Managing your wellbeing when transitioning to university